
So today I wanted to talk about a successful counting lesson plan I have implemented. The biggest takeaway I have from these counting lessons is that printing out physical numbers is the best way to engage the children and to help them remember the numbers. So I fired up the trusty printer and printed out some numbers and word posters and laminated them all and finally, grabbed classroom safe cutting scissors and got to work. 

Once you have the numbers printed out there are endless games you can do with them, I have listed some of the most popular here:

  1. Number Scramble - line all the numbers in a row out of order and have the children take turns coming up to fix the order that they should go in.
  2. Number Search -  your have all the kids hide the numbers around the room and have the guesser try to find them and place them in order.
  3. Number Speed Round - you stack the numbers in a pile randomly and quickly pull out the top card and have each child name which number comes after it in 5 seconds.
  4. Numbering Order Game - either print out this sheet or make your own bigger one, and use it to have the kids each place where the number should go.

Finally I always like to end the lesson with something fun, well how about 20 minutes of catchy counting songs!

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